Cheddar Village


Sunrise today: Sunset today: Daylight hours:
6:33 AM 6:09 PM 11:36
Tidal information for Weston-Super-Mare | Flood warnings for Cheddar
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Last update:
09:30 AM

Current conditions Dry
Temperature 7.4°C
Dew point 2.3°C
Top gust speed last hour 0.0 mph N SW
Average wind speed 0 mph (force 0 bft)
Wind direction NNE
Wind chill 7.4°C
Humidity 70
Today's rain 0.0 mm (currently 0.0 mm/hr)
Consecutive days of rain this month 0
Barometer 1029.0 mb,  Rising
Estimated cloud base 2109 feet
Current solar UV
(see UV guide)

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This data is now available "almost real-time" on your iPhone or Android phone or device. Simply browse to using your device's web browser. Once there, use the menu items on the display to add a link to this to your home screen, this will give it an "app"-style link direct to the weather data.

Last 72 hours
Last 72 hours Last 30 days
Top graph shows barometric pressure (mauve), wind gust (orange) and average speed (yellow) and low speed (blue). Centre dotted graph shows wind direction throughout the period. Bottom graph shows humidity (green), outdoor temperature in shade (red), dew point (pink), solar UV (yellow, when available), and rainfall (blue, in 1mm increments, reset at midnight). With rainfall, note that up to 1mm of rain can fall without it registering on the system. Data provided by Kay Initiatives Ltd (contact here if you have any enquiries about the weather station or its data).

Rainfall 0.0 mm   Rainfall so far 1.0 mm (on 1 days)  
Maximum gust 8.1 mph SW 12:01 AM Temperature range High: 13.1 °C Low: 0.1 °C
Maximum temperature 12.6 °C °C 10:13 AM Windiest day
17.3 mph
Minimum temperature 1.6 °C °C 6:10 AM Wettest day
1.0 mm
      Warmest day
13.1 °C
More Cheddar Village news and information on Twitter Coldest day
0.1 °C
Rain detail Previous 12 months (rolling): Ja - Fb - Ma - Ap - My - Jn - Jl - Au - Sp - Oc - Nv - De

These readings are updated every 15 minutes. The weather station is in a sheltered west-facing location in the mouth of Cheddar Gorge, some 400 feet below the hill top. Winds are largely easterly or westerly, because that's the way the Gorge lies. The westerly aspect also means that the best of the sun and thus the highest temperatures, are towards the later afternoon and evening. And of course any snow that ever falls on the rain gauge is only recorded when it melts.

This is by no means a professional weather station - there's no Stevenson screen, and siting and monitoring of equipment is very unlikely to be to Met Office standards. It's just intended as a guide for the average local resident or visitor. Also note that whilst every attempt is made to keep this system running 24 hours, sometimes problems are encountered such as overnight Windows updates/computer restarts, local power cuts, low batteries, cat knocking over rain gauge etc. so it's not always 100% accurate. Low batteries are also a cause of a gradually increasing high barometer reading peaking at 1050 until the batteries are changed. But any time this page seems broken, visit other local members of the Wunderground network for alternative local data.